Report on the service held on Saturday, 25th April, 2015
Here are some details of the memorial service held at Manchester on the 35th anniversary of the 727 Tenerife accident, provided by Andy Pankhurst.
Andy tells us that on a rainy 25th of April, with DA staff, relatives, chaplains and cemetery staff, there were just over twenty in attendance. The chaplains’ contribution added a suitable focus to the proceedings, and there was also a chance for the people attending to chat with one another about their memories, 35 years on from this sad event.
We should also like to thank the many kind and supportive messages posted on the Facebook pages.
Roger Cooper. 28/4/15.
Type your paragraph here.
To All of our Readers,
I am sharing the following thoughts with you which appeared in the Spring Flightline Revisited published last year (2020). It is still sadly true for the start of 2021.
‘’We are unfortunately living in very trying times, all being affected in various ways and at differing levels of hardship. But whatever your circumstances I hope you can make decisions which are in everyones best interests including yourself and your families.
(a bit like some of our times with Dan-Air) ‘’
I hope you can make use of the many ways available these days for communicating with others. It can be very helpful, as well as therapeutic, to keep in touch with everyone, even more so during the present conditions we find ourselves in.
Even though we are facing serious times we can fortunately count on the many examples of peoples humour which we see coming to the surface.
We unfortunately had to cancel all events for last year but are making plans for functions to start again in 2021, conditions permitting. The first event would be the DASA Gathering/mini AGM at the end of April 2021 and we hope to have more details available by Springtime. UPDATE....This event is now planned for Autumn time along with our other events, details later this Summer.
All the best for 2021, progress is being made, we must make sure it continues.
Please stay safe out there and keep smiling.
Roger Cooper (Chairman DASA)
Another successful Summer Party took place on the Thursday 16th July 2015, when nearly seventy ex Dan Air staff got together.
The venue was the Shipley Bridge, and the weather was kind to us, so many were able to sit outside on the garden patio until late in the evening.
Thanks to the staff at the Shipley for helping to make the evening so enjoyable. Many thanks also to Jackie & Brian for organising yet again a great evening for everyone to meet up with one another.
Here are a couple of photos of the happy partygoers, to see more of the other 70 odd taken go to our Facebook page
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REPORT ON THE DASA AGM, 22nd April, 2015
Another AGM under our belts, the 23rd to be exact, and the required process was carried out without any problems or too awkward questions ! There were 25 members in attendance and it is hoped we were able to let everyone know what the Association has achieved over the last year and its plans for the future.
Many thanks to those who supported us and as usual members were able to enjoy an opportunity to get together both before and after the AGM and catch up with one another.
This year’s reunion will again be at:
Cheadle Social Club, Ashfield Crescent, Cheadle. SK8 1BQ
Sunday 6th November: 1300 – 1830
Price STILL(!!!) £10 per person - buffet included
As in previous years, you can prepay, so that you would then only have to pay for drinks on the day. Payment can be made to Bryan Cowin, 5 Warwick Road, Worsley, Manchester M28 7BW either by cheque made payable to him, or contact him for bank details
Bryan advises that there will again be a free draw for three bottles of mood-enhancing fluid, all with commemorative Dan Air Reunion 2016 labels.
Bryan needs to have a fair idea of numbers to arrange the catering and one or two other things, so please let him know as soon as possible if you intend to come, either by phone 0161 799 8979, by text to 07971 114420, or by email to whether paying up front or on the day.
Please spread the word, as there are still a lot of folk for whom I don’t have any contact details.
Best regards,
Andy Pankhurst.
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29th. Sept. 2016 (Thurs.) Sit down lunch at the
Bolney Stage – 1215 for 1245 p.m.
Menu and application form in last issue of
Flightline, but if you contact Jackie direct (see
below) with your booking & menu requirements
you may NOT BE TOO LATE. Some seats still
available !
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